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How to remove possible stain from CCP leather?

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  • destroymebaby
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2012
    • 260

    How to remove possible stain from CCP leather?

    Tried to find a thread on similar issues but in vain.

    So here goes:

    Just received a used CCP leather, unfortunately there's some sort of light colored "stain" on the right side of the jacket. It feels like the leather might have been damaged or something. But I'm not sure. I'm no expert. Nevertheless it has a rough, almost rubbery feeling to it. But not sticky or something. I've tried to rub it off with a damp cloth, but it comes back within an hour. What should I do about it? Just buy some leather oil?

    The morning is not enough.
  • church of tiamat
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2013
    • 3

    Looks way more like a big scratch or similar kind of damage, than a stain. You should think about how to make this spot darker, cleaning won't do the job.


    • destroymebaby
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2012
      • 260

      Yeah, that might be the case. Any idea on how to darken the spot? It vanishes when I rub a damp cloth to it, but an hour later, when the leather has dried, it's back.
      The morning is not enough.


      • church of tiamat
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2013
        • 3

        As far I know oil always makes leather a bit darker. Hmm, or maybe, if I were you, I would try using black shoe polish, but cannot guarantee it will help. You should better ask someone who had similar problem to yours.


        • destroymebaby
          Senior Member
          • Aug 2012
          • 260

          Yeah. I've studied it closer now. Looks like something in the pocket has leaked and possibly reacted with the leather. The inside of the pocket is kind of sticky and the stain goes from the pocket to each side of the leather, both the outside and the inside, as seen in the pics.

          The morning is not enough.


          • Lo-ki
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2011
            • 113

            I'd first try some boot polish to colour then
            Originally posted by cjbreed View Post
            i use obenauf's leather oil


            it will slightly darken leathers that aren't already black though.
            She looked at me, pointed at the string of the back of my BBS jacket and said: You had the same string on the shirt you wore last time. If I'm not mistaken that's a part of a hearing aid. You have a hearing impairment, right?


            • church of tiamat
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2013
              • 3

              I'd recommend applying only a bit of shoe polish to very small part of this defect area, just to try if it doesn't look bad. If it's okay apply shoe polish to the whole area, it may not totally cover it but at least make it less visible.


              • destroymebaby
                Senior Member
                • Aug 2012
                • 260

                Yeah. I might try that. I prefer to do it myself rather than to go to a leather expert.

                Unemployed guy + buying a ccp leather = poverty
                The morning is not enough.


                • church of tiamat
                  Junior Member
                  • Sep 2013
                  • 3

                  Post pictures after, this tread may be useful for people with similar problems.
                  I'm also curious if this will help.


                  • destroymebaby
                    Senior Member
                    • Aug 2012
                    • 260

                    Just went to the two leading leather specialist in this city. The first one said that all they could do was to have the jacket dry cleaned, but they weren't sure it would have any effect on the spot.

                    The other one told me to use chemically pure petrol on the stain and then grease it. But when I told them the value of the jacket they became uncertain and recommended me to try it on the spot on the inside first.

                    So, I guess that's what I'll do. Just have to find some good leather oil.
                    The morning is not enough.


                    • cjbreed
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 2711

                      i think maybe shoe polish is a bad idea. perhaps as a last resort. but first you need to make sure that any foreign material that may be soaked into the leather or even on the surface of the leather is removed. otherwise, anything you do will just make a stain of a different color.

                      but first, it does look like something in the pocket leaked so maybe take it to your best local dry cleaner and see if they can recommend a quality leather cleaner to have a look at it. it will likely need to be shipped to a pro.
                      dying and coming back gives you considerable perspective


                      • cjbreed
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 2711

                        oops. we posted simultaneously.

                        well, there is always the option of a machine wash + leather oil

                        washing a ccp leather
                        dying and coming back gives you considerable perspective


                        • destroymebaby
                          Senior Member
                          • Aug 2012
                          • 260

                          Originally posted by cjbreed View Post
                          i think maybe shoe polish is a bad idea. perhaps as a last resort. but first you need to make sure that any foreign material that may be soaked into the leather or even on the surface of the leather is removed. otherwise, anything you do will just make a stain of a different color.

                          but first, it does look like something in the pocket leaked so maybe take it to your best local dry cleaner and see if they can recommend a quality leather cleaner to have a look at it. it will likely need to be shipped to a pro.
                          Yes, shoe polish will be a last resort.

                          But is it a good idea to have the entire jacked dry cleaned, as the leather guy told me? I love the rest of the jacket and I would hate it if the cleaning affected the beautiful CCP finish.
                          Last edited by destroymebaby; 09-12-2013, 02:08 PM.
                          The morning is not enough.


                          • destroymebaby
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2012
                            • 260

                            Originally posted by cjbreed View Post
                            well, there is always the option of a machine wash + leather oil

                            washing a ccp leather
                            Ha ha. Yes, I know, but I'm not quite sure I have the balls for it. And I don't want a millimeter of shrinkage. The fit is a dream at the moment.
                            The morning is not enough.


                            • church of tiamat
                              Junior Member
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 3

                              Originally posted by cjbreed View Post
                              i think maybe shoe polish is a bad idea. perhaps as a last resort. but first you need to make sure that any foreign material that may be soaked into the leather or even on the surface of the leather is removed. otherwise, anything you do will just make a stain of a different color.

                              but first, it does look like something in the pocket leaked so maybe take it to your best local dry cleaner and see if they can recommend a quality leather cleaner to have a look at it. it will likely need to be shipped to a pro.

                              you're right, I totally forgot about it. destroymebaby said that the inside of the pocket is sticky, so this white stain may be caused by the material that soaked into the leather and it must be removed.

                              @destroymebaby: how's the surface of this white spot on the outside? does it have the same feel like the rest of the jacket or is it kinda different and rough?

