A call to arms: time for independent brands and designers to step up and advertise...
WE are pleased to present our Autumn/winter 2018 lookbook and ad campaign shot by Guido Barbagelata in Paris which has been running in Many of Them Magazine in Spain, Please Magazine in Japan. and Stylezeitgeist magazine online with many thanks to everyone.
I planned to post this a while ago, but it has simply been too busy--we believe in using this type of imagery for editorial placements and sometimes very tiny ad runs in important independent publications like Many of Them, or Please, and of course SZ which has remained the preeminent media point for serious independent design for over a decade now… even if the size of our company at the moment and the reach and budget of the ad campaigns if any are very small. We also think the work is good and it is really important for independent brands to begin to establish new advertising business models to support not only their brands but also retailers that carry them, and independent media and serious up and coming models, photographers and agencies as well, and it behooves the right models and photographers to appear in our images for their own promotional and artistic interests. But up until now for decades nobody at our size in our market has been doing anything with advertising, not CCP, not Harnden, Carpe Diem and their spinoffs, MA+, Guidi, A1923, and certainly none of the Belgians- and even the 100 million a year annual sales Owenscorp (Rick Owens)- run any serious or major ad campaigns. Most of them can afford it, believe me. Instead, they have chosen to simply continue to just freeload on the editorial and let the multinational corporates pay the bill for them. Not us...
WE disagree with this 'take all the press and not give back' policy by independent designers and brands who then complain that there is no independent avant-garde media left (when they all have to close-up, sell, or become Raf-style corporate catalog mouthpieces) because nobody advertised with these media when they were trying to stay alive except the LVMH, Kering, H&M, Zara, Nike, Adidas, Prada, DG and Armani gang of companies.. Like Milan in the 1970's the independent part of this industry needs to work together and be intelligent about things today. We need to first to be able to put out beautiful image work and get it out there into leading independent print/online platforms-- even if to a tiny, exclusive- but leader audience. And believe me, there are some very good creative people and media outlets coming up now that have nothing to do with mainstream fashion media. But they need funding, they need work, they need material, and they need to build staff and resources. And if the independent designer brand industry gives them nothing, then they have no other place to go than the corporates. This is what happened to BoF, which has now replaced Fairchild as the industry daily bible but is running on LVMH early investment funding and clearly is a mouthpiece for such in so many ways, and it's a shame. Now is the time for all independent brands and designers to support independent media that reaches even a relatively small exclusive- leadership audience (like SZ does) which is now greatly influencing the entire industry more and more--then allow innovation and excellence in design and imagery to build new visionary brands to a new level of economic size that can eventually do bigger and bigger budgets and cultivate a whole new side of design and fashion media that over time will rival and replace the existing corrupt, dinosaurs that have led us all to the state of mass-media fashion and cultural and productive degradation that we are witnessing and dealing with today...
2018 . 2017 . 2016
GBS banner ads that link to our lookbook campaigns since 2016 have helped to support SZ-mag and t
he important stories and coverage it produces for the independent designer industry. While retailers
have supported the SZ forum for over a decade, we believe it is time for other designers and brands to
step in and step up in regards to advertising and supporting key independent media in the face of global
corporate fashion's monopoly and mainstream fashion media outlets.
AS the world contemplates "regime-change" for Venezuela this week, perhaps it is time to consider the same for corporate fashion and the lazy, corrupted media that has blindly supported them, completely bought and paid-for by LVMH, Gucci, Kering, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Giorgia Armani, H&M, Zara, Adidas, Nike, Chanel, Hermes, Balenciaga, Saint Laurent ad votimum...
For those that know what is going down inside Conde Nast worldwide and others like them, this is already happening.
Now is the time for all independent designers and brands to step up and put some of the money they have made benefitting from small independent media coverage back into the people who have been working so hard to support them, and back into the retailers that have carried them and bought their works, by advertising their collections and their points of distribution... and for independent media in turn to continue to cover and support independent designers and brands more than ever. Sitting back and expecting media to cover you for free is simply playing into the enemy's hands and the continuing spiral of media banality and neglect of real design and real designers out there working at making a difference. If you are a designer or a brand sick of stupid streetwear and dj celebrity corporate fashion taking over, join us and put your money where your mouth is and start fighting back.
Thank you for reading.
Best wishes,
WE are pleased to present our Autumn/winter 2018 lookbook and ad campaign shot by Guido Barbagelata in Paris which has been running in Many of Them Magazine in Spain, Please Magazine in Japan. and Stylezeitgeist magazine online with many thanks to everyone.
I planned to post this a while ago, but it has simply been too busy--we believe in using this type of imagery for editorial placements and sometimes very tiny ad runs in important independent publications like Many of Them, or Please, and of course SZ which has remained the preeminent media point for serious independent design for over a decade now… even if the size of our company at the moment and the reach and budget of the ad campaigns if any are very small. We also think the work is good and it is really important for independent brands to begin to establish new advertising business models to support not only their brands but also retailers that carry them, and independent media and serious up and coming models, photographers and agencies as well, and it behooves the right models and photographers to appear in our images for their own promotional and artistic interests. But up until now for decades nobody at our size in our market has been doing anything with advertising, not CCP, not Harnden, Carpe Diem and their spinoffs, MA+, Guidi, A1923, and certainly none of the Belgians- and even the 100 million a year annual sales Owenscorp (Rick Owens)- run any serious or major ad campaigns. Most of them can afford it, believe me. Instead, they have chosen to simply continue to just freeload on the editorial and let the multinational corporates pay the bill for them. Not us...
WE disagree with this 'take all the press and not give back' policy by independent designers and brands who then complain that there is no independent avant-garde media left (when they all have to close-up, sell, or become Raf-style corporate catalog mouthpieces) because nobody advertised with these media when they were trying to stay alive except the LVMH, Kering, H&M, Zara, Nike, Adidas, Prada, DG and Armani gang of companies.. Like Milan in the 1970's the independent part of this industry needs to work together and be intelligent about things today. We need to first to be able to put out beautiful image work and get it out there into leading independent print/online platforms-- even if to a tiny, exclusive- but leader audience. And believe me, there are some very good creative people and media outlets coming up now that have nothing to do with mainstream fashion media. But they need funding, they need work, they need material, and they need to build staff and resources. And if the independent designer brand industry gives them nothing, then they have no other place to go than the corporates. This is what happened to BoF, which has now replaced Fairchild as the industry daily bible but is running on LVMH early investment funding and clearly is a mouthpiece for such in so many ways, and it's a shame. Now is the time for all independent brands and designers to support independent media that reaches even a relatively small exclusive- leadership audience (like SZ does) which is now greatly influencing the entire industry more and more--then allow innovation and excellence in design and imagery to build new visionary brands to a new level of economic size that can eventually do bigger and bigger budgets and cultivate a whole new side of design and fashion media that over time will rival and replace the existing corrupt, dinosaurs that have led us all to the state of mass-media fashion and cultural and productive degradation that we are witnessing and dealing with today...
2018 . 2017 . 2016
GBS banner ads that link to our lookbook campaigns since 2016 have helped to support SZ-mag and t
he important stories and coverage it produces for the independent designer industry. While retailers
have supported the SZ forum for over a decade, we believe it is time for other designers and brands to
step in and step up in regards to advertising and supporting key independent media in the face of global
corporate fashion's monopoly and mainstream fashion media outlets.
AS the world contemplates "regime-change" for Venezuela this week, perhaps it is time to consider the same for corporate fashion and the lazy, corrupted media that has blindly supported them, completely bought and paid-for by LVMH, Gucci, Kering, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana, Giorgia Armani, H&M, Zara, Adidas, Nike, Chanel, Hermes, Balenciaga, Saint Laurent ad votimum...
For those that know what is going down inside Conde Nast worldwide and others like them, this is already happening.
Now is the time for all independent designers and brands to step up and put some of the money they have made benefitting from small independent media coverage back into the people who have been working so hard to support them, and back into the retailers that have carried them and bought their works, by advertising their collections and their points of distribution... and for independent media in turn to continue to cover and support independent designers and brands more than ever. Sitting back and expecting media to cover you for free is simply playing into the enemy's hands and the continuing spiral of media banality and neglect of real design and real designers out there working at making a difference. If you are a designer or a brand sick of stupid streetwear and dj celebrity corporate fashion taking over, join us and put your money where your mouth is and start fighting back.
Thank you for reading.
Best wishes,