I learned all the numbers of my relatives and almost everyone I know a long time ago, because I have a good memory and it is not difficult to remember it, but it can be very useful in a difficult situation. And I also don't like it when they ask me for my mother's number, for example, and I need to go to my smartphone and search for this number to share with someone.
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Do you memorize the phone numbers of your loved ones?
I totally get where you're coming from. Remembering phone numbers used to be second nature for most of us, but now with smartphones doing all the heavy lifting, it's easy to rely on them too much. I think it's still worth memorizing a few key numbers, especially those of close family or friends, just in case you find yourself in a situation where your phone isn't available or is dead. It's also way faster to dial from memory when you're in a hurry.
If you're like me and struggle with remembering more than a few numbers, there's a cool trick you can use. Have you heard of a "phone number creator"? It helps you generate and store numbers in a memorable format, which makes it a lot easier to recall them later. You can even use patterns or associations to help lock them in your memory. I’ve found it really handy, especially when I don’t want to dig out my phone for every little thing.