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  • Skywalker13
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2014
    • 9

    Originally posted by lowrey View Post
    I assume you are either him, his friend or just ignorant.

    the guy apparently is prone to extremely suspicious behaviour according to multiple people who have been scammed by him. Good for you if you managed to pull of a normal transaction with him, but it most certainly shouldn't be recommended to anyone at this point.
    I'm not him, not his friend and also not ignorant!

    I read all the smashing here and all what I'm saying was that I had a very good experience with him as far as quality, shipping and communication is concerned. So there's always a second side of the medal, that's all what I'm saying and there are many people out there who never had any issues with him, me included!


    • cloakroom
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2015
      • 21

      You sound like the "he was quiet and friendly" neighbours of terrorists. Your look on reality is totally subjective, egoistic and just naive. A person that lives like a perfect citizen and is a murderer for one second is what? A murderer? A victim? No, still a good neighbour to have? Go out more. People are real.


      • Faust
        kitsch killer
        • Sep 2006
        • 37849

        Jin is the Darklands of individual reselling
        Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months - Oscar Wilde

        StyleZeitgeist Magazine


        • nahneun
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2011
          • 185

          Originally posted by Faust View Post
          Jin is the Darklands of individual reselling
          I just read the thread about Darklands, and I must say that it is a fairly apt analogy, though Eugene is considerably more irresponsible and unprofessional.


          • t3hg0suazn
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2013
            • 199

            I was just going to say -- if you have a retailer that ships you items perfectly 50% of the time and loses them/fails to deliver the other 50% of the time, would anyone think they're still reputable?


            • nahneun
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2011
              • 185

              psidy, don't bother trying to reason with newp. He thinks it's more plausible that I would organize a meticulous character assassination of Eugene over a personal vendetta than to consider the possibility that Eugene did in fact scam numerous people. He apparently thinks items that are significantly not as described should be waived off as MTM error because I was too fat to fit into size 44 pants even though I ordered it to fit a size 46, and that I should accept a clearly defective fly as intentional design. He's made up his mind about the matter and is blindly siding with Eugene.

              As the saying goes, never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.


              • Skywalker13
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2014
                • 9

                Originally posted by cloakroom View Post
                You sound like the "he was quiet and friendly" neighbours of terrorists. Your look on reality is totally subjective, egoistic and just naive. A person that lives like a perfect citizen and is a murderer for one second is what? A murderer? A victim? No, still a good neighbour to have? Go out more. People are real.
                My opinion might be subjective, due to my positive experience with him, not more or less. All other you mentioned is just crap, no offence. We're not talking about a crime scene or something, it's just arguing.


                • newp
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2013
                  • 631

                  Originally posted by psidy
                  Newp, it's kind of odd you'd invest so much energy in defending Eugene here
                  I don't defend anyone, don't take a stance of "if you're not with us you're against us" and in before I am accused of being him, his friend or whatever please refrain from fixating on the person whose reputation you're trying to ruin. Let's talk about arguments, not persons, don't drop yourself to the level of ad hominem guy.

                  Originally posted by psidy
                  bashing those that are pointing out his schemes all the while not arguing from personal experience regarding thirdofwaters.
                  Good, pointing out schemes. You've posted quite a story about it, let's start with you supporting it with evidence please. It's common knowledge USPS is a shitty awful post, which is untrackable for a lot of other post services. When you send something through USPS to EU it's usually untrackable once it leaves US, when you send something using default post service to US from EU, it's usually untrackable once it leave EU, unless you pay $$$ for shipping. I wonder if you have paid for it, have you? And there are a LOT of scammers out there using it, getting their package and claiming it as not received. With paypal siding with buyers who post their facebook photos in an item they claim they haven't got in 180 days it's not unusual practice.

                  You have claimed your parcel has been delivered to address different than yours. Would you please support it with some kind of an evidence? No matter how hard I tried to track the number you have provided I don't see it arriving in US, you tell us the same. So, what is your proof besides 'they have said it to me'? Who has received your item? Who has signed for it? Surely USPS employee has provided this information to you in written form, kindly show it to us, because this story is honestly hard to believe.

                  Originally posted by psidy
                  What is the purpose of your crusade? Are you simply drawn to drama like flies to vinegar and render lifeforce from it? Believe me, I'm a pacifist for the most part and usually walk away rather than fight but the fact that he's obviously screwed so many others over compels me to take action.
                  I see a post without evidence and take it with a grain of salt. My honest apologies will be given in case if you post these evidence supporting your initial claim. By the way, would you please clear some issues with me: who would be these many persons screwed over by him, obviously not by his mtm service when a person appears to be too fat for it, but with the same issues as you as in never received the parcel he sends? I have checked it and hardly can find anyone. Obviously even one kill makes person a murderer but since you so keen on appealing to majority surely you can show it to me? Please do, I have to form an opinion.

                  Originally posted by psidy
                  If you think all our accusations have no basis other than having nothing better to do then go around and ruining other people's reputation, your willfully ignorant.
                  Oh, I am quite confused now. Would you please show me where have I said your accusations don't have any basis? Yes, you want to ruin his reputation, that's for sure, but I haven't said anything about your motives to do it.

                  Originally posted by psidy
                  If Eugene was such a straight shooter, why lie? He's been caught in multiple lies, as a matter of fact the guy is a compulsive liar.
                  Let's proceed. Would you please show us some screenshots of him saying something to you (you've made your deal on Grailed? Let it be grailed then) and then prove it was a lie. 3 examples is enough to be multiple, even 2 I guess?

                  Originally posted by psidy
                  Your brilliant answer to all this is for us to just stop shopping on Grailed. How about rather clean it up or at least put in an honest effort to minimize risk so that everyone can continue to have a pleasant experience?
                  This is exactly how do you minimize your risk, by using trusted classifieds. However, failing to use even paypal protection which usually sides with buyer, should be frustrating indeed.

                  Thanks for respecting us enough to provide some substantial proof to your story.


                  • newp
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2013
                    • 631

                    Originally posted by psidy
                    After he promised a refund, I told him to just send it over to my personal account instead. He was weary of this so I went ahead and reopened my business account only for him to stop responding after doing so. The issue now is my transaction history has been erased and I cannot go back and file a claim.
                    Also would you please tell us how have you reopened your account? Paypal is extremely specific you can not reopen an account once it is closed.


                    • nahneun
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 185

                      newp: sucks at research and doesn't have his facts straight, but claims everything he says is right on circuitous reasoning and flawed logical progression. he'd fit right in at the rnc.

                      to everything you claim is necessary for you to issue an apology: what reason is there to even prove anything to you? newp, you literally cannot do anything to amend the situation for psidy. similarly, you've already made up your mind on the matter by not even fact checking and brushing off everything i say as "he's too fat", when in fact, the PANTS WERE NOT TAILORED CORRECTLY. how is a 14.75 inch waist going to EVER fit a 46? i asked for 30.5 inches. that's 15.25 inches flat. not only that, the thigh measured around 9.75~10 inches. that's typical for a 44, not a 46. and that's a sizing mishap on the maker's end. i even documented exactly what sizes i specified in my review. and that god awful fly design. you're going to say that's because of weight issues? do your "research" before you go into your spiel. but obviously, you won't, because you're too busy protecting Eugene's honor blindly and will take whatever circumstantial evidence possible to claim his innocence. you're a goddamn shill, kid.
                      Last edited by nahneun; 07-22-2016, 09:16 AM.


                      • newp
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2013
                        • 631

                        So you are unable to support any of your claims and openly admit it.
                        Big talk as expected.


                        • bukka
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 821

                          Neutral stance: can you show some of your proof psidy?
                          Eternity is in love with the productions of time


                          • newp
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2013
                            • 631

                            Originally posted by psidy
                            Newp, funny you should know so much about big talk, hypocrite much?.. Anyway, you say "as expected" eh? See, you already had your mind made up. I know it's a waste of time to have a rational discussion with a closed mind. But feel free to walk away as if you won, ok?
                            Of course it's as expected. Your story is extremely shady with a lot of questionable moments and the strangest one to me is your claim you have reopened your paypal account while paypal explicitly tells us it's not possible. When there are 2 statements contradicting each other one is supposed to be faulty. Sorry, I believe paypal more, hence the hesitation to believe your other claims (for example why usps employees have information they give to you yet refuse to provide on their website?)
                            And when you refused to support any of this, what should any other person expect?
                            Once again, there ARE scammers out there who use non-trackable parcels to get both an item and refund. If this scammer gets a payment on another account of his, he still can open a claim on his initial account and get another refund, double his money and an item on top of it. I am not claiming you are the one, but this possibility exists and we need to rule it out as well, you just need to understand and be as clear about your own claims as possible.

                            Originally posted by psidy
                            What kind of proof would satisfy you at this point?
                            1. Please show us you have indeed closed an account you have made your payment from and show how you have reopened it.
                            You see, this is where everything has started, the issue if deleting account has ruled out the possibility of pp claim for you and a statement you have reopened it has thrown a shadow overall your story. So how have you done it?
                            2. Please show us who has received the parcel in question and what is his address since you are able to get information from usps anyone else is unable to get apparently.
                            3. Please show us multiple persons your seller has scammed with selling them items. You use this argument a lot but I have failed to see them. A situation when an item is lost in transit, buyer opens a dispute and then gets a refund is not a scam, please compare usps loss rate with frequency of such examples.
                            4. I honestly don't get the situation with another shirt you hold at the moment. It costs a lot to send something from Japan by EMS and I don't see any reason to do it (maybe except indeed trying to compensate you in any way he is able to since payment to another account of yours screams red flag and you can't open a claim on your initial account). Please show us some conversations between you and seller, how has it happened? Make sure you are on Grailed website and include the address bar in the screenshot please.

                            I think this is all for now.

                            And remember, anyone can make up any story, this is why asking for evidence is neutral stance indeed and not a statement like YOU ARE A SCAMMER or I DEFEND THE SELLER indeed.
                            In our present state of buying and selling through PayPal scam as buyer is much more easy way, check the relevant thread.
                            So once again, thanks for your understanding.


                            • GucciAmen
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2014
                              • 362

                              Originally posted by psidy
                              Newp, and who asked you? Yet you seem you can't restrain yourself from commenting. Go away seriously you don't help. You actually have the audacity to flip this on me?! I mean, I would have never expected such a thing by posting here...You really got problems dude. Please go stick your nose somewhere else, ok?
                              What do you have to lose from showing even an iota of evidence to back your case?

                              Your reluctance to do so suggests you don't have any - to be honest.
                              Last edited by GucciAmen; 07-23-2016, 12:51 PM.


                              • bukka
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2011
                                • 821

                                Originally posted by GucciAmen View Post
                                You sound like the shady guy now dude.
                                Yes... I have to admit that the positions were quickly reversed
                                Eternity is in love with the productions of time

