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  • Jtothewhat
    • Oct 2014
    • 78

    Originally posted by BrokenBoards View Post
    I can verify that they are partially responsible. I've seen his father in Jeremy Scott winged sneakers, all over print pants, and a fur jacket.
    I believe that there is some applicable quote here about a fool and his money..


    • gregor
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2014
      • 603

      Originally posted by Jtothewhat View Post
      I believe that there is some applicable quote here about a fool and his money..
      there are so many quotes on his probably-myriad failings that can apply.


      • BSR
        Senior Member
        • Aug 2008
        • 1562

        i'm sorry to say that but i feel many newcomers (well, for the last 2 years maybe) on SZ behave more or less like this kid, with less means maybe

        Originally posted by Fuuma
        Fuck you and your viewpoint, I hate this depoliticized environment where every opinion should be respected, no matter how moronic. My avatar was chosen just for you, die in a ditch fucker.


        • Nickefuge
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2014
          • 860

          The "dark collection" by Zara is now more adequately called "trendy street". Hah.
          "The only rule is don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. Life is too short to blend in."
          -Paris Hilton


          • Faust
            kitsch killer
            • Sep 2006
            • 37849

            Originally posted by fit magna caedes
            (*checks own join date*

            In the clear! *swans around*)

            But yes, this was an irony that had occurred to me, too. Reminds of the notion that one hates and ridicules most that which one fears themselves to be.
            I read once something along the lines about why people hate hipsters.
            Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months - Oscar Wilde

            StyleZeitgeist Magazine


            • eleves
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2012
              • 524

              Nowadays we live in a world where hipster has become an attainable title because the groundwork has already been laid out (same for the groundwork that SZ has laid out). There are plenty of people who strive to become as hipster as possible just to be classified as that without a genuine interest in artisanal fromagerie and indie folk music. Nowadays kids want to dress stupid as fuck? Can't even understand how the world has gotten to this, you can wear literal bullshit and be considered cool, what's the origin? It's the reason why companies like Shop Jeen can exist and actually make a ton of money. As long as kids can see other kids dressing like this on instagram and tumblr, they're going to keep doing it and as long as Rick Owens is readily available to the world in this type of spotlight, a far cry from a few years ago, brands like Rick/anything relatable are also going to keep falling into the hands of the children!!!
              Originally posted by Faust
              HOBBY?! HOBBY?!?!?!?!?! You are on SZ, buddy - it ain't no hobby, it's passion, religion, and unbounded cosmic love rolled into one.


              • guardimp
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 320

                Isn't this just a reflection of Rick and much of the (stagnated) style discussed on sz becoming more mainstream, while still maintaining the edgey appeal? However, similarly to whatever people are calling hipster, there seems to be a pretty large lag in what is distributed for mass consumption. It seems that people have stopped innovating and somehow are shocked that the world has caught up. Maybe the issue is less that older styles have fallen into the hands of children and more an issue of the changing dynamics on sz.

                It isn't like the kids are wearing carpe or aitor but rather they wear what has become known unknowns. Well known enough that many people can recognize it, but not enough that they lose their "edgy outsider" status. Seems like a lot of newer members would fall into that category, and even more so the people oft posted here from instagram.


                • MJRH
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2006
                  • 418

                  Originally posted by eleves View Post
                  you can wear literal bullshit and be considered cool, what's the origin?
                  Are there any pictures of this?
                  ain't no beauty queens in this locality


                  • redbible
                    • Mar 2015
                    • 42

                    I am more interested in idiots just wearing whatever the fuck for no reason just to look cool tbh. This need to find meaning in everything always bored me. No the tattoo is an allegory, actually the song is reactionary piece to a social movement by a band named after an 18th century author's obscure reference(zzzz). When I hear hipsters I just think bored white kids with no culture who get together and don't have the means to figure out their taste in music and fashion so they just follow whats out there. A pair of wayfarers makes you a hipster now a days anyway.
                    The more absurd people can look and with the less reason to do so the better imo. People in general look so drab, your standard Johnny America over here is large jeans and sandals, where fashion to him is a large black suit and ugly shoes. Anything that pulls the view of fashion into an extreme is good, it will trickle down to kids like him and peoples perception will change. What was risky once will be acceptable, and as whole the concept of fashion will have moved forward...hopefully.


                    • guardimp
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 320

                      How do you define culture that you ascribe none to hipsters?

                      I don't know of any other subculture in the last 5-10 years with as much staying power as hipsters. Hipster culture is constantly changing, it is pretty funny to hear people talk about what people were doing in the early to mid 2000s and describe it as being current trends in a movement predicated on staying ahead of the curve. While mainstream culture may have a subverted version of a hipster it seems that this is far from what I would define a hipster as. Your example of a group of kids just copying what other people are doing seems to be a better description of the midwest (flyover fashion from the past) then any group of people attempting to be different.


                      • DudleyGray
                        Senior Member
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 1143

                        I think you guys are making to much out of an Instagram account. I mean yeah, fuck him, but why him specifically? Really, fuck yourself for having an Instagram.
                        bandcamp | facebook | youtube


                        • redbible
                          • Mar 2015
                          • 42

                          Im not using the word perhaps how you think I am. Not in the sense that culture is ever something you can seek and grab or become (ie: a cultured individual), I would not make the argument one way or the other. I meant as a connection to traditions, racially, nationally and passed on through various forms. Food, music, stories clothes..etc You know? What America so avidly loves destroying and separating people from. Either way I don't care to make that argument either, I mostly wanted to make the connection of people seeking definition the easy way instead of becoming more individual.

                          I also have no real qualms with people or the concept of Hipsters, I have been identified as one most my life by people who are too stupid to know otherwise. I never fought the label, to most it's an easy box to stuff people that wierd them out or can not define in their limited capacities


                          • MJRH
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2006
                            • 418

                            Originally posted by redbible View Post
                            to most it's an easy box to stuff people that wierd them out or can not define in their limited capacities
                            It looked like that's what you were doing five posts ago, though.
                            ain't no beauty queens in this locality


                            • guardimp
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 320

                              Originally posted by redbible View Post
                              Im not using the word perhaps how you think I am. Not in the sense that culture is ever something you can seek and grab or become (ie: a cultured individual), I would not make the argument one way or the other. I meant as a connection to traditions, racially, nationally and passed on through various forms. Food, music, stories clothes..etc You know? What America so avidly loves destroying and separating people from. Either way I don't care to make that argument either, I mostly wanted to make the connection of people seeking definition the easy way instead of becoming more individual.
                              I'm really confused as to your assertion that white kids have no connection to traditions such as "food, music, stories, or clothes." Even ignoring the whole idea that they have any underlying culture (through race or nationality), they share a connection in their lack of definition and purpose. Their drive to become something, or more correctly to define themselves as outside the norm provides them with more individuality than most and yet is a common bond (a shared culture?).

                              If you do not ignore the underlying facts it becomes much more simple to observe a culture - people are not simply white. White is newspeak term to group together numerous European and North American cultures, often times blended together in the mixing bowl that is America. White is a group of multiple races and multiple nationalities. On top of this many people do not have a connection to some foreign homeland - they are American. This does not mean that they have no culture, just that their culture is surrounding everyone. It's often hard to see what you grew up in as anything but normal, yet as compared to the rest of the world American culture is quite distinct.

                              Originally posted by redbible View Post
                              I also have no real qualms with people or the concept of Hipsters, I have been identified as one most my life by people who are too stupid to know otherwise. I never fought the label, to most it's an easy box to stuff people that wierd them out or can not define in their limited capacities
                              Can you clarify what you are saying then? It seems like you are contradicting yourself and are not making any points other then wishy washy posts.


                              • redbible
                                • Mar 2015
                                • 42

                                Originally posted by fit magna caedes
                                Not sure the bolded can be a positive. The idea of race as a meaningful category is a poison, and nation is too easily about ethno-nationalism, which is another kind of racism.

                                And why is it better to hold on to one's own traditions? Is something good just because it's mine? Because it was my parents'? By that logic, hipsters are MORE "cultural", they're the only crowd who dress like their parents.

                                The irony is that the whole concept of culture you're using is a western invention of the last few hundred years that has since spread worldwide, so people forget its distinctly western origins.

                                It's a nonsense word used to defend concepts too vague to survive on their own, or to implicitly defend ideas of race thankfully defunct since the mid twentieth century.

                                Becoming more individual--so... Less tied to traditions?
                                It's not better one way or the other, I don't think I was making that judgement and I agree with what you are saying about culture. I'm using it because it is an easy word to understand what I was trying to say.
                                For instance, a Latino is raised having a lot of historic traits that basically define who he/she is. For a white American, I feel it is much different, so they look for and are drawn to groups like hipsters. Both though are not a good means to define yourself, specifically striving to become something because others are or relying on cultural influence as well.

