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What are you wearing today?

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  • DamageX
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 495

    Flux looks great, I think she looks very comfortable, natural and confident in her choices.

    I think originality is overrated when one is wearing the designs of another. As such, there will always be someone else dressed in a similar/same fashion. There is no way to avoid it.


    • jogu
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2009
      • 1601

      ^ idk mang some a my favorite fits ive seen are great imo becos the person took someone elses' designs or clothes or whatever and styled it on themselves to make it their own
      Last edited by jogu; 08-25-2010, 10:18 PM.


      • christianef
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2009
        • 747

        Originally posted by snafu View Post
        if you cant see the difference between carpe diem and carol, than rick, ann, obscur then its not worth trying to argue.
        She may be the best out of the 'black clad fashion victims' but it still looks all the same to me.
        Anyone can wear all black without looking like the 'ninja', my dad wears black sweaters with black trousers and black shoes, he doesnt look like he browses this forum...
        It may be a subtle difference between or the finest of lines, but there is a point when you loose who you are; and become trying to be just 'another' in this case wearing a certain aesthetic and looking good in it... which is subjective. Maybe it is my judgement in the hair, face, body language of a person; this however can still be present in a photograph quiet clearly. But overall i can't see any thing original here, iv seen it a hundred times over by fashion hoppers who change their aesthetic and don't let 'THEIR OWN' develop over time.
        But this doesn't look good it looks uninspiring, normal, standard, expected, predictable especially when on this forum.

        To wear rick, ann, haider etc all together is less original than choosing one of the above and dedicating yourself to them, no matter how the composition sits in the outfit.
        its splitting hairs. you can try to diversify yourself and buy a paul harnden couch but everyone's already onto that so in no time you'll have to move onto something else to find yourself. it takes more personality, specifically in fashion, to be comfortable being the tired uninspired cliche everyone's already seen a thousand times - you could say the same thing about ann but its reversely exactly what makes her so special. doesnt feel the need to change for anyone. at the base of this we probably agree, the mood of the picture is a little trendy, but i see nothing wrong with the outfit itself.


        • Grazzesto
          • Mar 2010
          • 69

          I really thought the outfit was fine; If I saw her on the street I would definitely think that was one well-dressed chick.

          Is it really worth all of this?


          • Enaml
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2009
            • 890

            This entire argument is cyclical; sorry I even brought it up..... It's going nowhere and will just piss people off.
            How do you guys like the fit of my new CCP suit?


            • lmaozedong
              • Jan 2010
              • 69

              I personally really enjoyed flux's photos.

              It seems rather pointless and indeed impossible to determine the "authenticity" of her personal style from a set of three pictures, or even more. Though the fact that she has apparently maintained the same style for years would suggest that her clothing is indeed "her own," I would tend to think that any real judgment of this would have to be reserved for someone who actually knows and understands her.


              • she's a genuine person, with a genuine passion. this talk can stop now.


                • cmitso412
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 222

                  If I had to decide on how genuine of a gal she is from a few photos I would lean toward agreeing with you Heirloom, but why do you have the right to dictate when a discussion is to end?


                  • Mikevigar
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 212

                    I read the first page on this thread, and then skipped to the last page and having read it, I hope my first ever post of what i'm wearing today doesn't get torn apart!!!

                    top - Just got my new black BBS long sleeve thumbhole tee yesterday so wearing that over an ANCIENT d&G beachwear white tshirt with union jack on it (got it when I was 14, 24 now - its got legs, my bro bought it for me and I still remember how much it was (£34.95!!!)

                    bottom - massimo dutti tweed like trousers

                    feet - superdry boots (boots have never really been me but I got a pair last year, don't think its something i'll ever spend big money on)

                    also came to work in my totally rainproof cp company jacket given how wet the UK is currently


                    • Originally posted by cmitso412 View Post
                      If I had to decide on how genuine of a gal she is from a few photos I would lean toward agreeing with you Heirloom, but why do you have the right to dictate when a discussion is to end?
                      my opinion is not speculation, its fact. i know her. hahaha


                      • cmitso412
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2010
                        • 222

                        fair enough, was just wondering.


                        • Wow, I didn't think my outfit would cause so much discussion on here!

                          snafu: Trust me, what I'm wearing is not some band wagon I have just jumped on because wearing black is "big" at the moment. I wear clothes that I feel comfortable in, that represent the inner me and that suit my personal aesthetics, not caring if it's something that has been seen a thousand times or not (the very reason why I love Ann D). The same exact outfit would look totally different on someone else, anyway. I hate justifying my style but if you must know, I've followed avant garde fashion for years but been able to afford the designer pieces I like only for the past 5 years or so. If you judge my personality from a few funny pictures and the way I look, that is quite harsh and shows poor judgement of character IMO. My style is much deeper than the current trends, you would know that if you had followed my style for a longer time or knew me personally.

                          I'm guessing your comments are tied to the fact that I have just recently started posting here. I've actually been a lurker for a long time but finally got the courage to join and share my style after Christian posted a picture of me from the fashion week. Before I was too afraid of being crucified by the members of this forum, and obviously, for a good reason.

                          Regarding your second comment, to me, owning exclusive pieces does not necessarily mean originality.

                          P.S. The Ann D necklace is my favorite piece of jewelry, I'm wearing it all the time as it goes with everything. It also has emotional value to me.

                          DRRRK: Thanks and no offence taken. :) I wish I could change those banners but I'm not the one who does the advert selling on my blog. It's part of a bigger portal and I guess whatever brings money, they go for it. They should disappear in a week though, not to worry.

                          Christianef: You're spot on!

                          Heirloom: I knew I could count on you. :)

                          lmaozedong, Grazzesto, DamageX, Enaml and others, thank you for your support!


                          • Chant
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 2775

                            Please keep on posting here, Flux !
                            One offender vs several defenders : you know whose side the WAYWT is on .
                            Btw, what said Snafu is interesting, and lead to an good discussion, but I'd like to hear him elaborate a bit more about the essential difference between CCP/Altieri and all the others. In addition, I understood what he said more about his style and way he sees his own way to choose and to wear designers' clothes than about Flux's. So it definitely made sense, and I didn't care about the critical part. And Flux is self confident enough, so there's no harm done.

                            On a sidenote, when I met Flux the first time, I didn't know her, and her style catched my eye. I've seen a lot of women during FW, and didn't see what Snafu said. She's different, much different from the other ones you can see during these hipster days.


                            • Shucks
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 3104

                              ahem... sorry to interrupt all this fun stuff. but wtf - NO ONE thought my thought on moth's bag choice was remotely relevant to a waywt thread? i should just go sit in a corner by myself while you all keep talking bout whether flux is trill or not.

                              or maybe that's what i'm doing already...


                              • Chant
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 2775

                                You, newbie, should know that no one here is allowed to speak before the Master.
                                So, we're waiting for the Moth's opinion, and then we'll agree with him.
                                Last edited by Chant; 08-26-2010, 04:49 AM. Reason: Shucks : +1

