comedyzen - any follow up on how this turned out?
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Machine washing and drying a leather jacket.
Had that happen to shoes before when I got caught in mild rain. I just wiped it away with a damp cloth, but you obviously have quite a bit more here."AVANT GUARDE HIGHEST FASHION. NOW NOW this is it people, these are the brands no one fucking knows and people are like WTF. they do everything by hand in their freaking secret basement and shit."
Sorry for the delayed follow up on this, got busy. Bob Ross had the best phrase for my situation. When he messed up a stroke on a painting, he didn't freak out but called the error a "happy little accident."
So the white powdery stuff came off with some wiping and then I rubbed mink oil all over. I basically gave the jacket 10 yrs of distressing in 5 minutes and actually like how the color is no longer even.
i think the outcome looks really good, zen.
does anyone have tips on how to get the smell out of the lining when it comes to a RO blistered lamb SS leather? it's quite thin so I don't want to try anything that may be rough on it. I've tried wiping it down with a damp cloth + woolite but it hasn't helped too much. it'd be easier if i could give it a more thorough scrub but i have a feeling the liquid would seep through the lining onto the leather and affect the finish.
edit: think i've solved the problem, used a product called dri-pak white vinegar spray followed by another wipe down with woolite + a damp cloth.Last edited by #ruin; 10-16-2012, 05:57 PM.
just machine washed a blistered two tone with woolite, treatment isn't affected whatsoever, the wool insets are just fine too.
if that can be machine washed considering the treatment, color differences, thin leather & rayon lining, then i don't really see much reason to worry about machine washing any other leather ro jacket. saves a lot of money/hassle that's for sure!
anyone have more experience with machine-washing a RO blistered lamb?
my blistered lamb safari biker has always been a tad too big on the arms and the body (i think it also stretched out a bit) and I'm considering washing it now. any experience on the amount of shrinkage?
Originally posted by Umami View PostI did wash many CCP leathers as even the size 44 is too big for me.
the highest temperature you should use is 60 degree in the shower your
body can't even stand the temperature above 50 hence the result is not good.
throw your leather into the washing machine 60 degree
DON'T USE any washing detergent.
after that let it dry naturally and this will take 2 days.
in this way you may achieve the result one size smaller.
PS: horse leather will fade a lot, black will turn into dark grey. Kangaroo
will maintain its original colour. CALB the calf leather will shrink more but it could be stretch back.
Okay so I thought I’d share my washing machine success story here too…
As a bit of background: A few years ago my girlfriend and I tried hand washing my leather jacket (mainly because the lining needed cleaning). It is a distressed cowhide motorcycle jacket. The result was a complete disaster. When the leather dried it was stiff and cracked and misshapen, it felt thin and hard like paper. It also smelled worse than ever because it took so long to dry naturally that it developed a mildew smell. There were also a few spots where the colours ran. It was basically ruined and unwearable.
I tried some products to rejuvenate it, but they didn’t work. After further reading online I came across some more products to repair and recolour leather, but nearly all required the leather to be clean and free of chemicals first. So after reading this topic, I figured I had little to loose by throwing the jacket in the washing machine. As I had already resigned myself to the idea that I would probably end up having to bin it.
So I turned it inside out, and put it in at 40 degrees, with ordinary washing powder. I squeezed some nice smelling shower gel into the draw in place of conditioner, and set it to rinse twice.
I wasn’t really sure what to expect when I took it out again, but I was astounded when I saw it. It looked really clean like new, and the spots where the colours had run, were almost completely washed out. So next I threw it in the tumble dryer on cool (which is still actually quite warm). I was paranoid about it shrinking, so I took it out every 10 mins and put it on to check. However I didn’t experience any shrinking at all from the dryer.
The jacket looks really beautiful now, almost like new, and is much softer than before. It doesn’t actually need any further treating. I could wear it as it is. However it is quite old, so I ordered some mink oil and I’m going to give it a light rub with that, I think then it will be like new.
I don’t know why it didn’t shrink, perhaps because I have worn it in rain so many times, it is hard to say. I’m also not sure why it got so much softer… Maybe to do with the tumble dryer, or the chemicals being rinsed out. But I’m not complaining. It’s so good to have my jacket back. Thank you OP
I took some photos, but they are not very good. I will try and post some more after I apply the mink oil.