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Forum Changes

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  • lowrey
    if the numbers show something weird (such as Total 0), you might need to send or receive a message before the count will update

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  • Crowzer
    Glad to see the forum's speed is good now.

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  • gnow
    All my Pm's are back (4500+), and the pm limit is 500, so yeah, it's kinda messed up for me.

    Edit: just realized there's an option to mass dump your entire folder, n thats what I did. Everything is good now.
    Last edited by gnow; 09-10-2012, 09:36 PM.

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  • curiouscharles
    PM's are speedy gonzalez now, very nice!

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  • coup de grace
    i've deleted all pm's sent before 1/1/2011.

    if you desperately need something older, i have backups and can help you out.

    if the new pm limit is fucking you up in some other way, post here and i'll help.

    if you notice a difference in pm loading times (better or worse) over the next few days, post a comment to that effect here.

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  • coup de grace
    on the site's performance

    so sz has gotten sort of slow

    we have a large number of registered users now, and many more anon users -- this is a good thing, but the performance degradation caused by all of this traffic is annoying.

    we're working on some optimizations to make things better. one of the first changes we're going to make is limiting the number of pm's that you can store. we're going to cap this at 200. on september 1, we're going to delete all pm's sent before january 1, 2011. if have stuff archived in pm's, you'll need to save it elsewhere; if you want a batch dump of your pm's, talk to me.

    more to come

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  • Crowzer
    Hail to you !

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  • beardown
    Thanks, Faust and Dane. I'm happy to be able to give back in some way to a site that has given so much to me for the past three years.

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  • Dane

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  • Faust

    Please welcome our new moderator, beardown. We are glad to have him on board and we are sure he will keep the SZ standards high.

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  • Faust
    We know

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  • lowrey
    double check that its a PM and not some other notification (friend request etc).

    I remember this happening to someone before, but I don't recall how/if it was fixed. could be some database error?

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  • docus
    Not sure if this is the right place to put this, but when I log in I get a notification that I have an unread PM, but when I go into my inbox there's nothing there...? I've tried clearing my cookies and using a different browser - no difference. Very strange. Any tips?

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  • akatsuki
    Originally posted by Shucks View Post
    i'm gettin a distinct feeling there are lurkers who just trawl the good finds thread - and it annoys me. i don't mind sharing links with the community - in fact i want to - but i sure as shit don't like sharing with no lurker out to make money flipping shit on ebay. no suggestions on what to change, but a change would be nice...
    In defense of lurkers (me), I just am learning about style a bit and just don't feel like I have a lot to contribute yet.

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  • Faust
    Ok, so the Women's Shopping and Personal Style and classifieds have been added. Other Design has been folded into Culture.

    Please meet our new moderators - laika and rider.


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